Who we help
The NECI school in Praia da Luz, the Santo Amaro home in Lagos and the Autistic Wing of the Escola E B 2,3 De Algoz are the three establishments from which we currently take students.
Ten students come from NECI, six from Santo Amaro and six from Algoz. The riding school and facilities used is Quinta do Paraiso Alto, Bensafrim which is a registered riding establishment.
Horse riding is particularly beneficial for pupils who have profound and multiple learning difficulties, as it provides a multi-sensory experience which is hard to replicate in any other environment. Apart from the physical benefits, parents, teachers and health professionals have been amazed by the other skills that a riding session can build on, such as numeracy, spelling and listening as well as problem-solving skills.
We undertake pre-assessments on all students to ensure that riding is appropriate, and their parent or guardian must give their consent. We also require a signed authority from their medical doctor stating that they are safe to mount and ride a horse.
This ‘Specialized Center for the Inclusive Citizen’ is a private non-profit charity Association located in Montinhos da Luz, Lagos.
Neci contributes to the improvement of the quality of life and the full inclusion in society of people with disabilities, disabilities, handicaps or developmental delays in childhood, as well as individuals and families in situations of social and/or economic fragility, valuing their potential and promoting their skills.
Some of the riders from Neci:
Some of the riders from Santo Amaro:
Students come from the specialised Autism department of the Escola E B 2,3 de Algoz